The Scooter Scene and Beyond
General Stock available from Detour Records Mail Order
021 - ALL WAS NOTHING! CD (NEW) (M)Product no.: 021ALL-CD£9.00 * can be shipped within 5 days |
16 EYES, THE - Look LP + D/L CODE (NEW) (M)Product no.: 16ELOO-LP£16.99 * can be shipped within 3 days |
48K'S, THE - The End's The Start Where We Begin EP CDs (VG+) (M)Product no.: 48KSEND-EP£6.99 * can be shipped within 3 days |
A NIGHT OF PURE SKA - GIG POSTER 51cm (W) / 76cm (H) (EX-)Product no.: ANIGHTOF-GIGPOSTER£18.99 * can be shipped within 3 days |
ACCIDENTS, THE - Blood Spattered With Guitars EP (PICTURE DISC) 7" (NEW)Product no.: DR119PD£12.99 * can be shipped within 3 days |
ACCIDENTS, THE - Kiss Me On The Apocalips TAPE (EX)Product no.: ACCKIS-TAPE£8.99 * can be shipped within 3 days |
ACRYLIC TONES, THE - A place I used to know 7" + P/S (NEW)Product no.: DR040£3.00 * can be shipped within 5 days |
ACRYLIC TONES, THE - Above the streets and houses LP (NEW)Product no.: DRLP014£8.00 * can be shipped within 5 days |
ACTION, THE - Friends EP (PICTURE DISC) 7" (NEW)Product no.: DR131PD£12.99 * can be shipped within 3 days |
AFFECTED FOUR, THE - Something's Happening CD (NEW)Product no.: AFFSOM-CD£8.00 * can be shipped within 3 days |
AIM, THE - Feel Like Getting High CD (NEW) (M)Product no.: AIMFEE-CD£9.99 * can be shipped within 3 days |
AITKEN, LAUREL - Ringo The Gringo (WHITE LABEL TEST PRESSING + PROOF SLEEVE) LP (EX/EX) (M)Product no.: LAURIN-LPTESTPRESS£44.99 * can be shipped within 3 days |
AITKEN, LAUREL - Rise And Fall (WHITE LABEL TEST PRESSING PRESS RELEASE) LP (-/EX) (M)Product no.: LAURIS-LPTESTPRESS£39.99 * can be shipped within 3 days |
AITKEN, LAUREL - Says FIRE LP (NEW) (M)Product no.: LAUSAY-LP£14.99 * can be shipped within 3 days |
AITKEN, LAUREL With THE SKATALITES - The Legendary Godfather Of Ska Vol. 3 (TEST PRESS) LP (EX/EX)Product no.: LAULEG-3LPTESTPRESS£49.99 * can be shipped within 3 days |
ALL THE YOUNG PUNKS - Volume 2 By George Berger BOOK (NEW) (F1)Product no.: ALLTHEYOUNG-2BOOK£7.99 * can be shipped within 3 days |
ALLYRGIC REACTION, THEE - Small Steps / I found Out 7" + P/S (NEW) (M)Product no.: ALLSMA-45£10.99 * can be shipped within 3 days |
AMBER SQUAD, THE - After All These Years 7" + P/S (NEW)Product no.: DR139£8.99 * can be shipped within 3 days |
AMBER SQUAD, THE - Are we having another in here or what? CD (NEW)Product no.: DRCD043£12.00 * can be shipped within 5 days |
AMBER SQUAD, THE - Can We Go Dancing? / It's A Replay (GERMAN PRESSING) 7" P/S (NEW) (M)Product no.: AMBCAN-BLACK45£12.99 * can be shipped within 3 days |
APEMEN, THE - "Live at Das Modul" CD (NEW)Product no.: APELIV-CD£9.00 * can be shipped within 3 days |
APEMEN, THE - Lucky In Love 7" + P/S (NEW)Product no.: DR071£3.00 * can be shipped within 3 days |
AUNT NELLY - Aunt Nelly - LP (NEW) (M)Product no.: AUNAUN-LP£14.99 * can be shipped within 3 days |
AUTOGRAPHS - Autographs (TRANSPARENT RED VINYL) LP (NEW)Product no.: DRLP098-COLOURED£20.99 * can be shipped within 3 days |
AUTOGRAPHS - Autographs LP (NEW)Product no.: DRLP098-BLACK£18.99 * can be shipped within 3 days |
B-SOUL ALL-STARS, THE - Greatest Hits CD (NEW) (M)Product no.: BSOGRE-CD£10.99 * can be shipped within 5 days |
BABY SNAKES - Impudent Reptiles MINI LP (EX/EX) (M)Product no.: BABIMP-LP£18.99 * can be shipped within 3 days |
BACK TO ZERO - London's Pride EP (PICTURE DISC) 7" (NEW) (M)Product no.: DR113PD£12.99 * can be shipped within 5 days |
BACKDOOR SOCIETY, THE - The Backdoor Society LP + DL CODE (NEW) (M)Product no.: BACBAC-LP£16.99 * can be shipped within 3 days |
BACKDOOR SOCIETY, THE - This Is Nowhere LP + D/L CODE (NEW) (M)Product no.: BACTHI-LP£16.99 * can be shipped within 3 days |
BACKWARDS, THE - Eerie Thoughts Collection Pt. 3 CD (NEW) (M)Product no.: BACEER-CD£11.99 * can be shipped within 3 days |
BAD MANNERS - Shake A Leg! : Live And Loud!! LP (EX/EX-) (M)Product no.: BADSHA-CLEARLP£9.99 * can be shipped within 3 days |
BADGE, THE - No #1 EP CDs (NEW) (M)Product no.: BADNO1-CD£3.00 * can be shipped within 5 days |
BADGE, THE - The EP Collection 2004 – 2005 CD (NEW) (M)Product no.: BADEPC-CD£5.99 * can be shipped within 3 days |
BALTIC FLEET - Black Lounge 7" + P/S (NEW) (M)Product no.: BALBLA/7"£4.99 * can be shipped within 5 days |
BARON FOUR, THE - She 7" + P/S (NEW) (M)Product no.: BARSHE-45£10.99 * can be shipped within 3 days |
BARRACUDAS, THE - The Barracudas (GREEN VINYL) LP (NEW) (M)Product no.: BARBAR-LP£16.99 * can be shipped within 3 days |
BARRACUDAS, THE - What You Want Is What You Get 7"+ P/S (NEW) (M)Product no.: BARWHA-45£9.99 * can be shipped within 3 days |
BASEMENTS, THE - Sounds Of Yesterday LP (NEW) (M)Product no.: BASSOU-LP£18.99 * can be shipped within 3 days |
BEACH BOYS, THE - The Best Of ... LP (VG/VG+) (M)Product no.: BEABES-LP£6.99 * can be shipped within 3 days |
BEATLES, THE - Rubber Soul LP (VG-/VG-) (M)Product no.: BEARUB-LP£22.99 * can be shipped within 3 days |
BEATLES, THE 1962 - 1966 DOUBLE LP (VG+/VG+) (M)Product no.: BEA192-DLPVG£14.99 * can be shipped within 3 days |
BEATLES, THE 1967 - 1970 DOUBLE LP (VG+/VG+) (M)Product no.: BEA196-DLP£14.99 * can be shipped within 3 days |
BEAUTIFUL SOUTH, THE - My Book - 7" + P/S (EX/EX) (M)Product no.: BEAMYB-7"£2.99 * can be shipped within 3 days |
BEE DEE AND THE ROLLER COASTER - Universoul Twister - LP (NEW) (M)Product no.: BEEUNI-LPNEW£9.00 * can be shipped within 3 days |
BEES 'N' B-MICE - Drinkin' Beer Smokin' Weed - 7" + PS (NEW) (M)Product no.: BEEDRI-7-PSNEW£3.00 * can be shipped within 3 days |
BEES `N' B-MICE, THE - Here and Now Performing Four New Mighty Trax!!! EP 7" + P/S (NEW) (M)Product no.: BEEHER-7-NEW£3.00 * can be shipped within 3 days |
BEET FREAKS, THE - A Load Of Hits EP 7" + P/S (NEW) (M)Product no.: BEEALO-EP£9.99 * can be shipped within 3 days |
BEGGAR - It Beggars Belief CD (NEW)Product no.: DRCD056£11.00 * can be shipped within 3 days |
BEGGAR - Nu Form Love EP (PICTURE DISC) 7" (NEW)Product no.: DR153PD£14.99 * can be shipped within 3 days |
BIDONS, THE - Back To The Roost CD (NEW) (M)Product no.: BIDBAC-CD£11.00 * can be shipped within 5 days |
BIDONS, THE - Clamarama CD (NEW) (M)Product no.: BIDCLA-CD£9.99 * can be shipped within 3 days |
BIG BOBBY & THE NIGHT CAPS - Not The Same EP 7" + P/S (NEW) (M)Product no.: BIGNOT-EP7"PSNEW£3.00 * can be shipped within 5 days |
BIG BOSS MAN - Party 7 - CDs (NEW)Product no.: BIGBOSS-PARTY7-CDsingle£3.99 * can be shipped within 3 days |
BILLY CHILD - Come on , Baby..... It Is Time To Rock 'N' Roll!! - 10" LP (NEW) (M)Product no.: BILCOM-10"LP£8.00 * can be shipped within 5 days |
BIPOLAROID - Twin Language - LP (NEW) (M)Product no.: BIPTWI-LP£12.99 * can be shipped within 3 days |
BLOCKED, THE - Plastic Punks EP 7" + P/S (NEW)Product no.: DR046£4.99 * can be shipped within 3 days |
BLOCKED, THE - Smashed Hits CD (NEW)Product no.: DRCD042£9.99 * can be shipped within 5 days |
BO-WEEVILS, THE - Anthology DCD (NEW) (M)Product no.: BOWANY-DCD£16.99 * can be shipped within 3 days |
1 - 60 of 1946 results |